We are still in Montego Bay Jamaica. On Sunday a strong cold front brought plenty of wind and rain. Montego Bay itself is open to the north and hence exposed to the coming swell and wind and we felt that Nomad, tied to the yacht club’s dock, wasn’t at the right place for such weather. We were not sure what is the best thing to do especially as we were not supposed to be back on the boat before Sunday, the day the front was expected. Finally we decided to move the boat to the nearby mangroves – a very protected lagoon.
So on Saturday morning Jack, Amos and me sailed Nomad 3 miles around Montego Bay and into the mangroves. The next morning waves were braking on the reef protecting the entrance to the mangroves – no chance getting in or out. We were very happy we moved the boat to the lagoon. During the front passage we had more than 30 knots and the sea looked enraged but at the anchorage there were no waves and we could sleep quietly.
The anchorage is actually pretty and pleasant. We are surrounded by mangrove trees, nice villas, hundreds of birds – pelicans, white herons, frigates and sea gulls, but most notably are the huge jellyfish in the water, some more than 40 cm in diameter so no swimming for us. There is even a weak WiFi signal that, depending on boat direction, allows us to get weather updates and use the internet. And last advantage of this anchorage – it is free.
The only problem with this place is that as long as the swell still brakes on the reef we are blocked and we cannot leave even if we really want to. And we really want. We are impatient to set sail to Cuba!
This morning (Thursday the 14th) under dead calm water we went out of the mangroves back into Montego Bay to fill up water, diesel, go for a last swim in the pool and most importantly – do clearance with customs and immigration.
Tonight we are sailing to Cuba!